Friday, August 8, 2008

W at the Beijing Games!

George W. Bush is in China again and I'm preparing for another round of unintentional comedy. His Asian trips have been second in humor only behind his trips to Africa. All politics aside, I'm beginning to really miss this guy, as neither Barack Obama nor John McCain will be able to provide us with that perfect blend of overconfidence, awkwardness and occasional bitterness - the ultimate recipe for classic youtube clips.

This is an older highlight but amongst the thousands of other W follies, this one may have been lost in the mix. So, in honor of his trip to the Olympics, here it is again (and please note 30 seconds into the clip where he stands at attention for no reason, I think he's actually getting ready to bow, but realizes just how incorrect and possibly racist that may appear and just stops himself).


Michael Konrad said...

that's hilarious!
you might be right about him almost bowing and then thinking better of it.

Ron Mexico said...

You know what I think could potentially be even funnier...a lame duck Obama. Seven and a half years into his presidency, and he could go so many directions.

DisChris said...

oh my god, that's amazing! did they convert the set of a popular Chinese game show into a press conference room? it looks like the fake game show background from Saturday Night Live where Chris Farley ends up getting electrocuted

great call on him almost performing a racist bow