Monday, August 25, 2008

New York is BACK, Motherbitches.

Brooklyn, Pacific St. between Boerum Pl. and Court St.
Saturday, August 23, 17:52

I was upset to come home empty handed after spending a little while sneaker hunting. There was once a time when it was pointless to resist dropping an unacceptable amount of money on NY-exclusive kicks. Those are days have long gone by. Maybe I'm just getting older or don't care for shopping. Maybe there's nothing out there anymore. Maybe the city and all its unique goods have been diluted and more readily available to the masses because of e-commerce, globalization, whatever. Either way, this little guy cheered me up.

There he was, bigger than a dinner plate, looking like he just picked his spot. He had "New York" written all over him.


Michael Konrad said...

one day last summer as I was walking up bway in the bronx, I came across a dead pigeon on the sidewalk. big deal, right?

well, this dead pigeon was still standing upright on it's feet and IT HAD NO HEAD.

Ron Mexico said...

Allan and Mike...I laughed out loud, hard. How does a pigeon get decapitated like that?

Michael Konrad said...

the only explanation that i can think of is that someone deliberately beheaded the pigeon and positioned its body to stand on the sidewalk.