Sunday, August 3, 2008

Internet Battle #1: Googling Names

This will test who's Googling their own name the most.

I'm putting three photos up of people we all know (but don't subscribe to this blog) along with tags and full names. Whoever out of these three posts a reply first, wins. And everyone should bet on who is going to respond first.

Contestant Number One:
Jesse Nicely, Managing Editor at Large Frank 151 Magazine, Degenerate Gambler

Contestant Number Two:
Mark Webber, Actor

Contestant Number Three:
Ben Rekhi, Producer, Director, International Player

This contest may take a while but if someone responds it was all worth it.


Allan said...

I bet the house on Rekhi.

Michael Konrad said...

I second Allan's guess.


This may take a while cause Google has to scan the page and register the tags. We should do a second contest with 3 more people.