Tuesday, January 20, 2009

White Slave Files Lawsuit Against Former Employer

Don't know how we missed this one:

Eddie Curry Sexual harassment allegations

On January 13, 2009, Curry was sued by his former chauffeur, David Kuchinsky, who is seeking back wages and damages for sexual harassment. Kuchinsky claimed that Curry had approached him in the nude and said, "Look at me, Dave, look" along with "Come and touch it, Dave." Curry has denied the allegations. Kuchinsky also alleged that Curry used religious and racial slurs against him, including "fucking Jew", "cracker", "white slave", "white devil" and "grandmaster of the KKK".

The NY Post says, "Curry also made Kuchinsky perform "humiliating tasks outside the scope of his employment, such as cleaning up and removing dirty towels [Curry had ejaculated into] so that his wife would not see them," the Manhattan federal court suit says."


Allan said...

My fault on this miss. I think there may actually be a draft saved somewhere where you can see I tried to post? I was working on a story and then felt like we had time to wait for some things to develop. At the very least, I probably should've just done a "whs breaking news" banner. Won't happen again. The good news is that there are some amazing quotes now.

DisChris said...

Touch it, Dave