Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mike in Cairo

I arrived in Cairo late last night. We had some trouble at customs; we had a couple of 2-way radios which we weren't allowed to bring into the country, resulting in a 3 hour delay. I didn't get to my hotel room until nearly 3:30 AM.

After a short night's sleep, the plan was to rise early and head out to Giza to see the pyramids. We hired a van, which ended up being delayed by a very unfortunate hour. During that delay, I received a phone call which required me to stay at the hotel and await further instructions regarding the retrieval of our confiscated radios. The rest of the team continued with their trip, but since the baggage was all registered under my name, I got stuck with the responsibility of staying behind to help sort it all out.

So, instead of pictures of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids, I present to you the view of Cairo from my hotel:

I especially like the large satellite dishes perched atop the crumbling brick.

P.S. I seem to be having trouble publishing to Konradprojects blog, so I'll post all of my Egypt updates at WHS until I return. You can refer to Konradprojects for the preliminary posts on my trip.

UPDATE:  I fixed my publishing problems, so from now on all Egypt related posts will be cross-posted on Konradprojects blog.



Damn. Hope you get to those pyramids. Let us know what people out there think of the Inauguration and our new Prez.

Margie said...

ah Mike...what a shame...sure hope you get to see the pyramids. take Mom

Allan said...

keep sending these when you can - good stuff

Ron Mexico said...

Very cool...I look forward to more updates.

Michael Konrad said...

I will still get to see the Pyramids on my last day in Egypt when I return to Cairo.

Egyptians love Obama and they tell us the "America is good now."

I just arrived at the desert worksite in Abydos and will post an update shortly after taking pictures tomorrow. There is a very small black & white baby kitten here named Obama.

I fixed my publishing problems so future posts will be here and on Konradprojects.

Margie said...

hey Mike, make sure you post a picture of "Obama" - glad you'll get to see the Pyramids on your last day. Looking forward to the updates.