Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Snuggies" Racist, Creepy?

I'm sure you've seen the commercials for the Snuggie, the blanket with sleeves, by now. Why not wear a jacket backwards to keep you warm, like Kris Kross? Anyhow, I was thinking about where I've seen Snuggies before, and they've been around for a while (see pic above and clip below).

Snuggie Ad

From "Eyes Wide Shut"


Ron Mexico said...

Snuggies don't bother me to the level that they seem to bother you.

Michael Konrad said...

we received one of those as a gift this christmas. but ours is not a snuggie, it's the slanket.

J. Nicely said...

The Grand Wizard in the video reminds me of grampa