Monday, December 15, 2008

How Tom Hanks became Tom Cheeks

Ironically, when he was "Big" there were no Cheeks:

But then he discovered "A Cheeks of His Own":

And then...."Looook at what I have created!! I have made Cheeks! I....have made Cheeks!!"

Much to Paul Newman's chagrin in 2002, his co-star was officially on the "Road to Cheeks":

And now, after years of timeless classics such as "Cheeksadelphia", "DaVincheeks Code", and "Cheeks Me If You Can"....this


Allan said...


Well executed.


Frankie said...

Don't forget "The Green Cheeks" and "Castacheeks"

DisChris said...

Yeah, "Castacheeks" was on there. But I left out "The Cheekskillers", "That Thing You Cheeks", "Apollo Cheeksteen", "Cheeks and Hooch", "Cheeks Story" and "Cheeks Story 2" and "The Polar Cheexpress"...

Ron Mexico said...

Didn't he produce "From the Cheeks to the Moon"?

DisChris said...

Haha! Yes, I believe so. And of course don't forget "Charlie Wilson's Cheeks"

Frankie said...

God, he is so cheeks

DisChris said...

...."You've Got Cheeks"...."Cheeksless in Seattle"...."Cheeks Versus the Volcano"....

Allan said...

Is it proper to rename episodes of SNL he hosts 'Saturday Night Cheeks'?