Sunday, February 15, 2009

Keith Flint

So I was just looking through iTunes and saw they had a pre-order for the new Prodigy album. This got me thinking of a conversation we had about 3 years ago about Keith Flint. The man cannot look normal in a photo. He is like a clueless teenager showing off his new tongue piercing to impress his friends and annoy his parents. Since it had been awhile since we saw him perform, Allan assumed he was working at an Apple store. Piston Honda thought he may be accumulating a collection of flair in a gig as a Chili's waiter. Either way, it appears you were wrong, and he is back. I look forward to see what sort of image he has now. Did he begin a strong course of Ritalin? I am on pins and needles.




Allan said...

well done. hhahah