Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Police Brutality Pt. 2 - Bicyclist Attacked by NYPD Officer

This is getting a lot of coverage in New York right now but I'm not sure about the rest of the country so I will post it.

As if they don't piss off enough minority groups on a daily basis the NYPD is now on the shitlist of Bicyclists across the globe. At a rally in Times Square a rookie cop speared (a la Goldberg) an innocent guy off his bike and into the crowd for no apparent reason. The biker, a 29 year old grocer at the Union Square green market was arrested and charged with assault, resisting arrest and a slew of other bullshit crimes. The officer claimed in his police report that the biker tried to attack him but this video clearly shows otherwise. Now bike activists across the country are mad as hell at the NYPD and demanding retribution. 


Michael Konrad said...

yeah, this is f'ed up. i saw this video early yesterday afternoon when it was posted on onNYturf.

i was gonna post it here myself, but i figured you guys would all make fun of me since i'm a cyclist.

good thing i'm usually uptown...the police don't generally bother cyclists up here. come to think of it, the only time a cop ever stopped me on my bike was in Times Square and the cop looked like a young rookie. glad he didn't shoulder check me to the ground.

Allan said...

Jesus Christ, that's all ...