Wednesday, July 23, 2008

7.25, No Camera, Zidane & This Other Life

The past 3 days, I've watched a 5-minute, 16-second clip from the sports documentary/art piece "Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait" over 20 times. What I saw dazzled me. But what I heard has
inspired me. The song playing throughout is "7.25" by Mogwai. I've spent 99 cents to buy this song off of iTunes (a rarity since I still prefer buying cd's but I couldn't wait) and if I've watched the clip over 20 times, I've listened to the song over 100. Despite not having seen the entire film, I've been motivated to make a highly-selective, minimally-invasive, photographic pseudo-documentary of my everyday. For obvious reasons, I can't say whether this project will be in the same vein as "Zidane" or not, but all I know is that I don't own a digital camera. I'm going to have to borrow, buy or steal one.

I waited for a car to come pick me up to drive me home for few minutes after work tonight (12:15 am, or 50 minutes ago). I was just looking at cars and buses coming down Lexington Avenue. All I wanted to do was take out my camera phone and snap away. I didn't think about how original the images were going to be, or the poor quality they were going to be presented in, I just wanted to record those images. That feeling was truth. That temporary absence of restrictive feelings and abundant questioning made me understand just how much self-doubt we all live in. Arguably, some live more socially constrained lives than others but we all exist within these boundaries. Different situations, different masks. I don't care if they're self-imposed or not.

I thought of what my life looks like in the morning now that I live alone and nobody can see me. Or what my walk to the subway must look like. What do I focus on? What breaks that focus every now and then? Maybe my friends want to see what my apartment looks like when I don't know they're coming over. Who cares? This project will answer just a few of these questions and maybe more will come about because of this. I'm not promising unfettered access into my life. I'm not an artist. I'm certainly not a photographer. I just want to see what a few days look like to me.

This could be interesting or it could be a load of self-absorbed garbage.

There are times when I really don't know who I am.

I promise a funny post will be coming soon.

1 comment:


I'm looking forward to seeing this movie too. It premiered at Sundance when I was there with WEAPONS and some of my friends went to see it. They said they all fell asleep in the theater. I think they were expecting something closer to a standard biographical film about Zidane's life.