Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"You're a Bush, Act Like One!"

Oliver Stone's "W" is going to be this year's "The Passion of the Christ" when it comes to the promise of unintentional comedy. There have been grumblings about the timing of this film's release date being right around election day (Lionsgate's site just mentions Fall 2008 whereas I have read the possibility of either October 17 or October 31 - my query to the studio hasn't been answered) but from a "strike while the iron's hot" perspective, you can't ask for this to come at a better time. The President is simply scorching right now and perhaps from a studio perspective, this film can't come out soon enough. The guy didn't even take the short flight to go to his own party's convention. Whether he was welcome or not is besides the point. His presence in itself is widely considered to be so radioactive that there are certainly more than a few Republicans that were relieved that he didn't make the trip to Minnesota. It's not a hard call, but I rate George W. Bush, both the fictitious account of him played by Josh Brolin and the real Bush, as a "strong buy" if you want solid returns on your comedic investments.

W. Trailer


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