Thursday, September 11, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: What is it?

Higher Learning, a movie that defined a generation.

On this anniversary of 9/11, WHS would like to take the opportunity to remember one of the great groundbreaking movies of the last decade of the 20th Century. Released in 1995, this tour de force featured perhaps one of the most lovable nazi/engineers ever to be featured on screen and, something even more dear to our hearts:

Spoken word poetry set to a funky background of acid jazz and dashikis (at 1:14):

me: he hath
chris: hath he?
me: what is he?
what is hath?
chris: what is SPOKEN?
oh my god!!!!!!!
OH MY GOD@@##@!
1:14 (above clip)
I can't stop laughing
"what is HE?"
"what is HAS?"
"what is SPOKEN?"
chris: "I mean, what is it?"
me: how did we miss that?
you realize this has to get posted onto WHS immediately
"...learning in an environment that is mostly --- whiiiiiite"
that's at 2:03
chris: hahaha, who is this guy?
Do you think we can book him for the birthday party?
me: oh man, i cannot stop laughing
what is hiiiiigghhh?
chris: What is it?
I like the "point at the camera" move he does with "learnnninng"
me: i kind of wish remy shot him
"what is gunshot?"
"what is hurting?"
"what is gunshot, hurtiiing"
chris: This is the band I bet:
click for link


Allan said...


Allan said...

chris, it seriously amazes me that you can hone in on just a few seemingly innocuous seconds of a film and make it into something classic. this clip is what "advanced" is all about.