Thursday, August 27, 2009

On Fire Retrospective: George W. Bush

The death of Ted Kennedy has brought Kennedy's biographer Adam Clymer into the news again, which reminded me of the first incident that signaled George W. Bush's On Fire potential. September 5, 2000:
The Republican presidential candidate George W Bush has said he regrets the fact that people heard him make an insulting comment about a journalist, but he refused to apologise.

Just before a campaign speech in Illinois, Mr Bush said to his running mate Dick Cheney: "There's Adam Clymer, major league asshole from the New York Times."

Mr Bush later said he did not realise that live microphones were going to pick up the remark, but he stopped short of an actual apology.

Time to step up Barack Obama. Time to step up.


Allan said...

Asked if "calling people names" was part of the campaign, Mr Cheney said: "The governor made a private comment to me."

** also a lesson for Biden

Ron Mexico said...

I wonder if he used baseball references constantly.