Thursday, August 20, 2009

IDEA: International Dialects of English Archive

The Maryland House, a service area "destination" 24 miles north of Baltimore on I-95, is a rite of passage for anyone from the mid-Atlantic United States. Those from this region have an unhealthy relationship with this rest stop, interrupting their travels for far too much time here for no reason. However, it's also a strange crossroads of the nation, where one may see natives of states mostly from Virginia to New York. It is here where I encountered a most intriguing accent on a woman.

She had a twang of a Southerner with the briskness of someone from the North. In my non-linguist estimation, the Maryland House is the pivot point for some of the country's heaviest accents.

Check out IDEA's website (link below). You can hear a variety of Americans speaking; the site is broken up into numerous intrastate dialects.


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