Monday, June 15, 2009

Orville Redenbacher's: What Six Flags Should've Done

Orville Redenbacher's popcorn brand aired a commercial a few years ago featuring a digitally re-created Orville Redenbacher. Apparently, the company felt that having him rise from the dead as a pasty, wiry, vacant, stool-colored moving image was going to sell some popcorn. I don't know what the sales figures were as a result of this campaign, but I do know that what I saw was extremely distressing. If the company had used Redenbacher's decade-old corpse it would've been less hair-raising. I haven't seen computerized Orville in a while so it's feasible many others felt as violated as I did and perhaps even went as far as to file lawsuits.

Six Flags should've followed a similar course and pulled its scary old man from the airwaves. Now look at the company. It's in bankruptcy after being buried by over $2 billion in debt. Respect old people and cast real old people in your commercials, folks.



Really Creepy. I dont know who that was a good idea.

Ron Mexico said...
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Ron Mexico said...

I would like to see a recreation of the old Wendy's commercials with "Dave." Get some 25 year old, throw on some old person makeup...sell some burgers.